Wednesday, May 28, 2008
sodor reinvented. . .
bus stop widsom . . .
a good morning
After almost three years, Luke is content to sleep in his converted crib. . . his little big boy bed.
Able to turn on his birdies when he wakes in the night (or after kablump! falling out of bed as he learns his new boundries).
He woke so at odds with the world and me yesterday. Fighting off yet another head cold. . . recovering from missed naps and seeing so many different people this weekend. . . I spent the day wondering how we could continue this way. Whining and tantrums. . . unconquerable toddler expectations of his toys and the way he thought the world should be. . .
And we went to retrieve Jack from school. . . A quiet filled the backseat. . . and I turned back to see that fog glazing his eyes. . . And he was asleep before we made it home.
The little boy who refused to nap, now naps happily on the living room floor or couch. . . And napped three hours yesterday. . .
Waking with a smile. And pleasant. . .
A little boy who joined us at the dinner table and asked for noodles (mac and cheese). . . And ate a second helping. . . while chatting in his little boy way about his little boy world.
Who wanted to play outside.
Got a haircut (a good one, too).
Ate a bag of cereal, some fruit snacks, popcorn, and fruit loops. . .
Where's Frankie? Frankie seepin. . .
Then laid on the couch with Dada and Mama happily watching some evening tv.
And the world is looking brighter this morning. Especially after such a rocky start yesterday.
Hope that fills our home with sunshine. . .
Monday, May 26, 2008
today, he. . .
Saturday, May 24, 2008
childhood philosophy. . .
[when asked to get dressed. . .it's lunchtime. . .so we could take overenergetic Max for a walk. . .oh, and he quite proudly matched those jammies. . .summer and winter. . .together himself last night @ bedtime. . .]
and this morning. . .
And a little boy sits out on the porch. . .loving the morning sunshine.
He loves the outdoors. And would stay there all day long if I would let him.
Love how he is totally part of the family. . . Trailing us around the house. . . And how he has changed our lady Dude into the fun loving puppy she used to be (and at 80 dog years, that's a minor miracle).
He's forced me to get up at 6 am for morning walks (before my morning cup o joe). . . and I love it.
We have to eat at the dinner table instead of the coffee table. . .enjoying nightly conversations about the world. . .Speed Racer and legos. . .and life. . .without the distractions of the television.
How lucky we all are. . .
scenes from friday. . .
Sam said to me as I pulled the Jeep in after a quick side trip (to JoAnns) after we were all out for the day. . . they were locked out of the house until I arrived, and were in the back enjoying a warm, sunshiney day (finally).
Luke was dipping his hands in the water table and handprinting the swing set.
A cwoo! A cwoo!
Too cute.
So happy to see him loving the outside after his phobic days of early Spring. . .insisting every time that we went out the door that
he wanted in house! in house!
and we were afraid we would battle him all summer long to be outdoors.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
this morning in sodor. . .
a Thomas. . .
Where's a stop?
Look at that stop, Thomas.
Where's yield? Where's a u-turn?
Chrismtas in Sodor? Hey, any day a little boy is able to get up and play is a day to celebrate. He layed on the couch all morning, dozing. . .Till PapPap came by for a visit. Then he had some apple juice while he slowly woke up. And, now he's up and about, busy moving trains about. . . coordinating holidays and street signs.
A good day.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
the sicky d's . . .
He Who Refuses To Nap. . . woke up with a fever this morning (101 ish) . . .
glassy eyes. . .
lethargic. . .
Poor little man. So, he's sleeping under the coffee table this afternoon.
the during. . .
A crew of five guys arrived at 8am on the dot. . .
With this one little truck full of our 24 new windows. Amazing.
As soon as they walked into the door . . . and up the steps . . . they began tearing out windows (8:01 ish ).
They had the assembly line thing going. . . one to tear the old, decrepit window out. . .remove it's guts (namely, those terrible pullies and weights that made it impossible to open most of those old fossils). . . in went the insulation. . .and in went the new window. . .the last guy arrived to caulk it up. . .done!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
saying goodbye. . .
Continuing this morning. . .
Saturday (tomorrow), we are finally getting new windows. Our currenty drafty guys are as old as the house (built in 1911. . .). Some kind of Sears windows with storm windows of the outside that barely keep out the draft. That rattle when the wind blows. . .
When we first moved into the house. . .and, newlywed couple that we were (without children and crazy dogs), we would have romantic candlelit dinners at the dining room table. . .and the candles would flicker from the wind outside(and not from the household ghosts. . .although. . .).
Our first real winter heating bill in January (1997ish). . .a crushing, demoralizing $400. . .Yikes. Not realizing heating costs. . . So, we lowered our thermostat. And, I conceded to put up plastic on the windows (which turned out not to look as hillbillyish as I thought it might). . .which cut our heating bills in half (the worst months are now about $250ish).
Since we moved in, only a handful of these big beautiful windows open for fresh air. . . The plastic tabs that hold the screens and storm windows in place are mostly broken (which require fingernail breakage to open. . .not in the sense of Oh, Biff, I broke a nail! . . . but in the sense of Grab a tourniquet, I ripped another one off.). So, the five windows that aren't painted shut, or falling apart, require tension screens to be open.
New windows. . .
And the fact that it's Spring. . .and summer is approaching. . .and this year I will be able to have fresh air through the whole house (and not just cross breeze between the open front door and back door). . .
Bliss. . .
a voice upstairs. . .
Hi, Mamas.
A morning, Lukey.
It's Percys. [he picks up Percy]
Good morning, Percy.
Good morning, Thomas.
And Tobys.
Good morning, Toby. [love how he adds that extra little s at the end of names]
I lift a happy boy from bed (which was not the way he went down last night. . .quite the Lukey storm we weathered at bedtime), and we walked into the hallway. Peeking into Jack's bedroom, we saw Jack (who, for a day off, was up rather early @ 7:20).
Hi Dack.
[He turns.] Good morning, Luke.
Love these happy little moments. Starting our day, even a rainy one, so peacefully.
Filling their little boy boxes of memories with these quiet family moments.
Their memories of this home. . .
windswept. . .
The dogs and I ventured out into a noreaster. . .OK, not that bad. Probably just a really soaking rain. Aside from the huge puddle that soaked me to my socks, we faired pretty well.
Max was a little hesitant at first. New rainy sounds. . .spending the first block and a half with his little ears back. Dude was so wet her collar slipped off twice. Good thing she's an old dog now, because she just waited till I slipped it back on (which would have never happened in her heyday. . .she would have been outta there).
I returned to the sweet smell of brewed coffee in the kitchen(buddy, you're the best!). . .and a cozy, warm house.
You would think that the rainy day thing and the soaking wet fur would have taken the wind out of their sails. . .but the furry guys are bouncing off the walls this morning (especially that yellow one).
Anyway, we Zelis love an adventure: rain or shine.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
he says. . .
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
he road the bus home today. . .
So much excitement in the Zeli house this morning. Jack took his lunch to school today [after much scurrying around the house last night to find a brown bag . . . he chose to take a ham sandwich, some chippies and strawberries, and teddy grahams as a surprise. . .)
There was a pretend cow to milk. . .and bee hives. . .seed planting. . .a maze. . .and a
tractor ride. . .
The best part? The much anticipated ride on the bus home (he's been asking for two months about riding it home).
Mama waited on the front porch. . .And at 3:46. . .
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
happy pretend birthday, jack
Jack decided to take doughnuts (a Zeli boy favorite) to school today for his pretend birthday.
He decided on the way to school this morning (I drove him and his precious cargo in leiu of bus travel), that he wasn't ready to be six yet. Since I'm not ready to let him turn six, is it possible he can stay five forever?
in the a.m. . . .
strange to see spring
cuddled under this
soft white blanket. . .
a slight chill
that the puppies
took little notice. . .
eager eyed since
alarm's ring at 6 a.m. . .
and I stumbled, clinging
to my cocoon of
warm, lingering dreams. . .
I wake as we walk. . .
finding the day's details
two newspapers, green and red,
waiting to deliver
the world's . . . . . . . . .
the dryer vent
a black pipe far from the bushes. . .
I breathe in
smiling memories
of youth that I can't quite
hold in my hand. . .
triggered and as quickly gone. . .
a car warming. . .waiting. . .
anticipating a day of adventure. . .
and another dog walker. . .
a treasure:
half a robin's shell
blue. . .deep as the carribbean. . .
fragile and discarded. . .
forgotten, for a new life
and a baby robin. . .
miles ahead. . .
huddled against the curbside. . .
almost passed unnoticed. . .
and I stop. . .
holding my breath. . .
considering. . .
and he shivers. . .
and above me warnings from
his mama. . .
relived I whisper
a hope
. . .pushing ahead
feeling the day's pulse ahead. . .
climbing a mountain towards home
we slow. . .
a day waiting. . .
can we
end the adventure
when we might walk and walk and walk
finding ourselves
lingering before the starting line
Saturday, May 10, 2008
cookies. . .
He opens the box. . .
I see Luke had a field day with the cookies. [noticing all the one bite cookies]
PapPap lets him have all the cookies he wants.
Yep, just like PapPap gives you lots and lots of popsicles when you visit. [He grins.]
PapPaps are pretty cool that way.
[Distracted he picks up a pink flower cookie. . .And looking down he starts to take a bite. . .and stops. . .] I see Luke field dayed this one too.
happy mama's day
All was g0ing well until I heard Dada yell: Uh-oh, Jack, come here.
Moments later, Jack appeared by my side.
Are the eggs just to make them taste good?
No, buddy; they're part of the recipe.
Well, I'll just try them.
But you need the eggs for the recipe.
Well, two of them are on the stove without eggs.
A beautiful morning beginning a beautiful weekend with my little family.
How lucky I am to be a Mama. . .
Friday, May 9, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
How to Catch a Bird: Part 2

Since the whole throw water on the bird (logic: birds don't fly in the rain) hasn't worked out yet. . .nor the sneak up quietly so it can't hear you and grab it either. . .The next plan would be:
hide behind a tree when the bird is on the other side: grab it! (logic: because he won't know you're there)
I'm having Wile E. Coyote flashbacks.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
exhibit a:
However, this story is about Luke.
PapPap so givingly watched Luke once a month while I went to Kindergarten with Jack. He was a little nervous in the beginning. . .watching Luke all by himself for 3 hours. . .just the two of them. . .and Luke was a little nervous too being without Mama.
He quickly grew to love this time with PapPap. . .looking forward to their time together. . .
Especially because the first order of business was to climb into PapPap's truck
[ big twuck ]
and head to Eat and Park. Where they have breakfast together. . .well, PapPap has breakfast. Most importantly, Luke drinks milk from a big cup and a straw. . .and has the coveted Eat n Park smiley cookie.
Then PapPap buys a whole dozen of them to bring home (so the boys can live on a cookie fueled sugar high for days). As the months wore on, PapPap liberally allowed Luke to have another cookie to munch on when they returned home.
Today, I opened the box to find many cookies with one or more bites out of them . . .
Seven bitten cookies to be exact.
One one completely gone.
No wonder the child won't eat anything else.
Gotta love time with PapPap =0]
Sunday, May 4, 2008
must read stories this week. . .
and over
and over and over and over. . .
Until he has them memorized. And he can read them himself at naptime. . .or bedtime. . .
Or repeat them as he plays (or while in the car. . .while we shop. . .).
This week's favorites include:
Little Bill's Happy Valentine's Day (he loves when Baby Jamal grabs Little Bill's nose)
The Monster Under the Shed (he loves the thump! thump! as Thomas hears the monster outside his shed)
and Percy's Chocolate Crunch (he loves anything that involves crashing and huges messes)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
boyish memories
And memories. . .
Can a five year old boy really have memories beyond this past year?
Tonight. . .
He told me of when he used to throw blue and green (his beloved blankies) on the floor. . . Just so I would come in and pick them up (such a little stinker). . . I remember. . .
And he was two. . .
And days ago, at bath time. . .
Mama, do you remember when I got too big for the blue seat in the tub?
Yep, I do. A sad day. . . A reminder that he was growing so big. . . No longer a baby. . .
And fearful. . . Can he really be ready to balance on his own. . . Was he ready to sit all by himself in the tub? Wouldn't he slip under the water. . .
And again, he was two. . .
And he did just fine. . . but I cannot believe he remembers those days that should be almost a lifetime ago in his childhood years. When waiting for Disney next month is just too far away. . . and will never get here. . . And summer is a lifetime. . .
And yet, he remembers. . . Moments that I will never forget.
second soccer practice
A warm early evening spent at Hempfield Park. . .
Watching Luke pick dandelions (headfirst into the grass under the bleachers. . .
prettee fowers. . .)
And Jack run back and forth across the field. . .
Happily kicking the soccer ball in a game with five other boys (all in blue shirts). . .
not knowing which goal really belonged to their teams. . .
but delirious to play. . . with other little people. . .
playing with a child's abandon: running pell mell and full tilt. . . screaming meaningless sounds proclaiming his consuming happiness. . .
And happy to announce that he made four scores! And that blue team won (never mind that both of their teams wore blue shirts, grin). . .sixteen points!
Such a happy day =0]
Thursday, May 1, 2008
living purposefully. . .

So, ran off to shower after getting Jack on the bus. Made a list of items to do this morning (post office, drug store. . .). Filled sippy cups. And off we went. . . chores completed. Made it to Luke's class early.
And he was so much happier for it.
He immediately said hi to a boy as we hung up our coats. And he is the shyest boy I know. Shrinking behind his Mama's leg in fear of any child. . .
My heart singing already.
Immediately he was ready to sit Mama in circle time. Ready to sing.
Where's Max? [his school buddy. . .at least the one he fears the least]
After no one joined us, we were off to play.
He climbed the steps for the slide (with a Mama's help). Many times. Not too intimidated by all the children climbing and sliding and screaming around him.
No complaints when the clean up bell rang. Immediatly running to the carpet to sit by moonie moooonnnn! Sang fun songs. And played ring around the rosy.
Such a great day. =0]
Making me think more about living purposefully. . .rather than just existing day to day. Making meaning in my day. Looking ahead. But, savoring our small and big moments together.
Thinking about finishing my list. . . What do I want this year to mean? Where do I want to be? Time is flying past me so quickly. . .what do I want to feel like I didn't miss. Things that won't have passed me by because I grabbed them and made them part of me. . . My memories. . .
So that's today. Finishing my list. . . And getting to work on my year that I want to remember. . .