Monday, March 17, 2008

Will you boys. . .

Ever believe that a world existed without remotes?

I just realized how utterly remote dependent I have become, when I decided to pre-load (is that a word? 'cause I love to make up my own. . .along with song lyrics. . .but that's a story for another day) the car (sans Luke).

As I approached the front door, without thinking, I pressed the unlock button on the car remote. . .

Yes boys, once upon a time we had to open the car door with a key in the lock (maybe just as short as two years ago, during the Sunfire years). But, apparently I have already forgotten those dark ages. . .

You know what I would really love? If our tv remote had a locator button like the cordless phone (both of which I am constantly searching for. . .the gremlins in our home love to hide them, much to my irritation).

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