Friday, November 14, 2008

beauty. . .

For over a year I have been inspired by the artistry and photography on this site:

The first image I saw was of an airplane overhead. . . and I dreamed that someday that type of art might find itself in my lens. . . with no real hopes in my talent or timing. . .

A few weeks ago I went upstairs to wake Jack for school... He's a sweet boy. . . but not a morning person. And takes a while to wake up. So, I whisper in his ear. Sing him our good morning song. . . Walk over to the front window to let in the first rays of sweet morning sunshine.

And this particular morning, as I drew back the curtains. . . I gasped. . . out loud. . . I never remembered seeing the morning this way. How did I miss it out the living room window as I talked to Sam on the phone?

Took my breath away. . .

Jack! I whisper-shouted (whisper-shout: to whisper as loud as I can. . .loud enough to get my point across. . .whisper enough no to wake Luke). Look at the sunrise! I've got to get my camera. Come see!

And I ran down the steps as fast as I could, to capture this (completely unedited this. . .). . .

I remember standing there. . . barefoot in the dew. . .holding my breath so that I didn't disturb the magic. . . the morning so still. . . and then clicking as fast as I could . . .
hoping that I might capture a bit of the magic. . .
wondering if the colors would be painted on the lens like they were on my soul. . .
quickly!. . .before the magic. . .the powerful beauty. . . disappeared. . .

I uploaded them . . . and forgot about them until last night. . . and they took my breath away as much as that sunrise did that early morning. . .

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