Coloring Easter eggs. . .
he hit his head against a table while retrieving his first egg. . .so the entire hunt was filled with unhappy, hurt tears. . .but loved how he only picked the blue eggs. . .his favorite little boy color. . .
and finally, Easter. . .
and discovering goodies left by the Easter Bunny. . .lovely candies and chocolates. . .
trains and Max (from Max and Ruby, a favorite cartoon). . .and all things Star Wars (including a coveted Count Dookoo's lightsaber). . .
chocolate for breakfast (a tradition going back to when Mama was a wee girl). . . (shh. . .don't tell Nan, I don't think she would approve. . .). . .
and, of course, the before Church light saber battle. . .
little family traditions and memories to cherish. . . So much fun to watch our little family grow and change each year. . .Never dreaming in our beginning married years that our family would have these special moments that we would be passing along to our boys. . . for their childhood memories. . . pure magic. . .
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