Luke's first snack day at Preschool yesterday. . . I remember when Jack attended Preschool, all snacks were to be "healthy". . . and I agonized each month about what to send. Goldfish crackers. . .bananas. . .oatmeal raisin cookies. . . Things I knew he loved (ie: things he would eat and still be considered "healthy").
So, I didn't expect anything different this year. Knowing that Luke's palate at this age is infinitely smaller than Jack's, I prepared myself for heartburn, heartache, and sleepless nights. . . Until, that is, I asked Luke each day what he was having for snack. . .
Monday: Lukey what did you have for snack today?
Wednesday: Lukey, what did you have for snack today?
Friday: Luke, what was for snack today?
Most days, cupcakes. Much to my Mama Disbelief. That is, until I saw another snack mom bringing cupcakes to the door on Monday. Hmmmm.....
I was going to go with the oatmeal raisin cookie thing. Still a cookie, and kinda healthy too. Until, inspiration struck, that is. . .And the creative cook in me whispered sugar cookies. . . .shaped like his beloved stop signs. . .
Ah, kudo mama points for sure. . .
So, after I sent Sam to work Wednesday morning, I got busy with the sugar cookie mix. . . the house smelled like Christmas. . . and I dreamed of little Luke's smiles at the sight of them . . .
So, I didn't expect anything different this year. Knowing that Luke's palate at this age is infinitely smaller than Jack's, I prepared myself for heartburn, heartache, and sleepless nights. . . Until, that is, I asked Luke each day what he was having for snack. . .
Monday: Lukey what did you have for snack today?
Wednesday: Lukey, what did you have for snack today?
Friday: Luke, what was for snack today?
Most days, cupcakes. Much to my Mama Disbelief. That is, until I saw another snack mom bringing cupcakes to the door on Monday. Hmmmm.....
I was going to go with the oatmeal raisin cookie thing. Still a cookie, and kinda healthy too. Until, inspiration struck, that is. . .And the creative cook in me whispered sugar cookies. . . .shaped like his beloved stop signs. . .
Ah, kudo mama points for sure. . .
So, after I sent Sam to work Wednesday morning, I got busy with the sugar cookie mix. . . the house smelled like Christmas. . . and I dreamed of little Luke's smiles at the sight of them . . .

Until . . . I went to the spice rack to get some red food coloring, and found it empty. Empty? Really? How is that possible?

So, with no time left to spare, this Mama had to improvise. . . It was either the neon pink or the fallish purple/cranberry. . . And I thought, Cranberry, well how close to red can you get?
Until I mixed it and realized the cranberry lid deceived me, and it was indeed purple.

So, my happy little Luke brought purple stop sign cookies to school for his snack day yesterday.

He didn't care. They are stop signs after all. . .
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