Thursday, August 5, 2010

he likes. . .

A slow start to the day. . .

I found him here on Thursday. . .

Lying quietly. . . And I couldn't disturb him .. . And thought of what a perfect little place for that boy. . .to just be able to wake up and peek out at the world. The woods. And wondered if maybe he was dreaming of playing at his playground. . .

So, when he smiled at me, I asked what he was watching.
He said he was watching the a squirrel play.

So very cool.

This morning, he awoke unhappily (which is not unlike him)... So, we had some water, and went to watch toons on my bed. . . just the two of us. . . And we laid there watching Max and Ruby. He would turn and look at me. Quiet. And smile. We shared frankie. And watched Max as he plotted to ride the Rocket Racer. And I was reminded of our little ride together on the bumper cars at the beach amusement park (and how we laughed. . . and bumped Jack twice). And how Jack wanted to ride them just a few years before, when he was four, and wasn't quite tall enough. . .and how very disappointed he was. . . ).

Sometimes, the quietest moments are the sweetest. . .

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