Nothing better an being spoiled by my boys all weekend long. I didn't have to cook. Or clean. But, got showered with wonderful homemade flowers. . .

Dinner out. And beautiful "sparkelies".
We played games.
Went to a program a Luke's Kindergarten. They sang songs and we ate muffins together afterwards (and I cried all morning). Luke said, "I had a wonderful morning with you, Mama."
I had some time to scrapbook. And we had time to just "hang out" together.
We took a road trip to see my sister. So we could spend the day together just letting our (six!) boys play together. And we could just talk. And later, have pizza at a giant table like one huge happy boy family.
I got a chance to visit my Grandma. She doesn't remember me anymore. But she was so happy (she was singing "Miss America" in the bathroom) and pleasant. And mobile. And she could hear what we were saying. And she couldn't stop saying what gorgeous boys we have.
What a beautiful weekend. What a beautiful life.
I am so very lucky.
Ten years ago Mother's Day was the worst day of the year. I never thought I would have any children. And here I am, with three boys! And the sweetest, most wonderful husband in the whole wide world.

I am blessed.
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