Tuesday, January 10, 2012


This should be January....

But this was December.

  • Today, Ethan and I ventured out to do the grocery shopping.  I wore short sleeves and a sweater.  And a hat.  That's it.  40 degrees.  And great for shopping and running around with Mr. ToddlePants.

        But not great for my boys dreaming of building snowman.

  • This morning Luke ate 3 waffles and a pancake for breakfast.  Good grief!  He must be getting ready for a growth spurt (Jack had his over Christmas break and he's now up to my nose!....have I told you I can't tell his pants and my pants apart when I take them out of the washer until I check the size....).

  • I miss the Christmas songs on the radio...  Bing was so cheery to listen to on the way to the grocery store....

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