Saturday, October 5, 2013


My big boy is in middle school this year. It's so very difficult to imagine that he has grown this big in a blink of an eye.

(At his locker during orientation.... Learning to use a combination lock.)

He is now in his second week of school. Last week he found himself in general music instead of band. A trip to the office and he is now in the correct class.

At the end of that first week he was complaining about his math class. How doing addition and subtraction were boring. On Tuesday he brought home his math homework.... Multiplication.

2 x 9.... 1x7.... For a boy who got 99% on his report card in math last year, this looks a little boring. So I called the guidance department just to check.... And found he was in the wrong math class.

Trip #2 to the guidance department, and he is now in the advanced math. Yesterday he came home happy to say that he is now deep in equations with parenthesis and exponents. 

So glad he loves middle school and that he is thriving. New friends. New challenges. He was so very ready for this next step.

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