Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Another snowy morning. . .

As the snowflakes began to fly again this morning. . . very fine. . . and softly. . . I looked out on the porch to discover:

.These guys. . . black starlings. . . with tiny spots on their chests. . . finding a sheltered spot from the snow. . . They landed, one by one. . .

Maybe a dozen. . . And I called the boys over to watch them as they landed on the chairs and railings, huddling together. . . Their feathers fluffed to keep out the cold. . .

We held our breath, so that we wouldn't startle them away. . .

And then they were gone. . . one by one they flew. . .

Finding new perches out back on the branches thick with snow. . .

Flying here and there. . .

And to a warm spot on a chimney. . .

One of my favorite moments of the day. . .

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