Thursday, March 13, 2008

a beautiful day

in the Wood. . .

Right now, the living room thermometer is telling me it's 65 degrees outside. Maybe. . . Whatever, the real number, it's beautiful outside. We've had the doors open all afternoon.

Jack played outside after his lunch. . . Excited to show me that he can swing all by
himself. . . finally figuring out how to do the pumping legs thing. Growing so much. . .

It's like somebody invisible is pushing me!

After I put Luke down for his nap, I slipped out onto the back porch. . . Just to listen to the breeze and the silence. . . And discovered two squirrels racing round and round a fat tree trunk in the back. . . and three deer a few yards down. . . munching on some feed corn. . .

And just now, a little squirrel in the back. . . sniffing the ground like a little puppy. . . in search of the walnuts he stashed so long ago in the fall. . . And the happy discovery of his dinner. . . He turned it round and round in his little paws before scampering back into the woods with his reward. . .

We all are feeling Spring just a breath away. . .

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