Saturday, September 6, 2008

the birthday boy. . .

Happy birthday, my buddy.

Love you so much. Love your sense of adventure. How you are eager to explore the world with me, ready to discover and learn and understand. . .

Love how you challenge yourself to reach your full potential. . .

Love how you grab onto new experiences, holding on tight, enjoying the ride. . .

Love that you are a total renaissance man: a reader, a snowboarder, kayaker, chef, runner, treasure hunter, climber, debater. . .

Love our conversation, deep and silly. . .

Love that you bring out the best in me. . .in all of us. . .

Love that you believe in me, totally. . .

Your birthday is a total gift to me. My soulmate. Our lives so intertwined, that maybe it is one soul in two bodies. . . Looking forward to the adventures, experiences, and laughter that this 37th year will bring.

Happy birthday, baby. I love you completely.


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