Saturday, March 6, 2010

Friday. . .

This little one almost giggled. . . I was getting him dressed and tried to snap that top little snap on his fleecy shirt. . . and he grinned so big. . . and cooed. . . are baby giggles on the way? So sweet.

So happy this morning to see his morning bottle. As I shook it (Shake-a, shake-a!) to mix the powder and water in front of him, he smiled so wide. . . and opened his little mouth, ready for breakfast. Such a happy morning.

The little boy who refused to wear the white shirt for pictures Wednesday night. . . who said that he doesn't like white shirts. . . he likes shirts with things on them. . . Wanted to wear this shirt to school today. To be handsome. (And, he is so handsome. . . even when he's driving me wild. . . my little impish boy).

Jack lost tooth #8. . . And decided that he would like to keep this one (with tears in his eyes. . . he's such a sentimental boy).

And ended the day watching Clone Wars all together. . . (well, the smaller Zelis watched. . . Mama and Dada snoozed). Another good day. . .

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