Thursday, March 18, 2010

Kindergarten Transition Night

We took Luke to visit his Kindergarten teachers tonight. . . Can it really be that time for him already?

Our first chance to see the school renovations (beautiful). . . And he loved it. . .

He spent the night searching for alphabet letters. . . Dancing to music with scarves and balloons and ribbons. . . Hearing stories. . . And playing with shapes.

That tiny little boy is growing up. Has a real eye for design and patterning. Loves music. And letters. And writing his name. And drawing houses. (Today he drew Zeli house. . .and after seeing his friend Will from Preschool, drew Will's house. . .which could possibly be a barn, since he lives on a farm. . .with three cats. . .three dogs. . .and a zebra. . .we're told. . .).

Love that four year old boy. . .

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