Friday, October 10, 2008

Jack's Thursday evening highlights. . .

would not include homework. . .

But, he bounced off the bus happily. And scampered off, grinning as soon as he bounced to the porch. Such a beautiful day, I thought we could approach that whole homework thing later (yep, not so much easy anymore. . .oh well. . .).

In the front door.. . .

Out the back door. . .

Muffled giggles. . . Running steps. . . .

And I found this:

a mysterious note. . .

too cute.

Spent the evening watching the final Star Wars. A little past bedtime, but he loved it.

I guess we know now why they call him Dark Vadar. Cause he joined the Dark Side.

Ah, it makes so much sense now. . .

But, what didn't make so much sense was why they burned Dark Vadar at the end. . . Did they want to make him more died? Ah. . . . And I foolishly though telling him it was an old Viking custom, and that Luke was actually honoring him. . . thought it might make a little more sense. . .

Nope, only brought more questions. And fearful eyes when he asked if they still do that today.

Ah, well. The harder side of parenthood. The questions. . . And he has asked them nonstop for two years now. He definitely is a knowledge seeker. Love that. . . Even if the questions short circuit my brain. . .

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