Friday, July 18, 2008

family date night

We surprised the boys with a trip to the movie theatre to see Wall-E again.

What a fun time.

The day was so hot, it was refreshing to sit in the air conditioning with a monster popcorn and sno caps.

Loved just hanging out together. . .nothing to do. . .just the four of us. . .

In the very front row of the theatre. . .the best seats in the house, I swear.

And the movie was just so much more detailed than the drive in. Cannot believe how real everything looked. . .down to the reflections on Eva's white robot body. . .

Luke sat so still. . .transfixed to the screen. . . awed. . . smiling. . .

Jack was full of narration to me. . . whispers of things coming. . . favorite moments. . .

Loved it. Felt so good to be out late on a Friday night. . . The first time in such a long time. . .

Watching the previews, we are already looking forward to more date nights in the coming months.

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