Thursday, August 7, 2008

pocket memories. . .

Sam and I sat on the porch together. . . loving those late summer evenings. . . growing dark, and watching the fireflies. . . and we reminisced. . . .

Six years ago. . .

So big with Jack. . . and I remember getting up so early in the morning. . . And believe me, I was not a morning person before him (or ever). . . but I woke up so early to shower before my induction time.

Nervous. . .

and so excited to meet our little Jack Sprat. . . finally. . . .

We had tried for six years to get pregnant. . . An eternity of watching everyone else have babies but us. . . And the pain of wanting our own little one. . .

And the overwhelming joy when those two lines turned blue. . .instantly. . .and it was so hard to believe. . .

What a journey to that morning six years ago. . .

Driving into the hospital that morning. . . My head buzzy with fear and joy. . .

Getting into the hospital. . .and told to wait. . .they were busy, and maybe they would have a room . . . And the trepidation that perhaps today wasn't the day. . .

But it was. And they found room rather quickly. . .

Breathing through those early contractions. . .that got harder and scarier and then one after the other, on top of each other. . . thinking I could never make it. . . and the tease of the epidural at 1 pm. . . and waiting for a whole hour until the doctor was available. . . and the immediate relief. . . and a small nap and watching cartoons while the epidural worked it's magic.

And then it was time to push. . . for three hours. . . and that little boy was not going anywhere through my little hips. . .

And how I cried when the doctor told me they would have to use forceps. . . because I hadn't done my job. . . and I was afraid. . . but it was fine. . . And out our little Jack came.

He was beautiful. . .

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