Sunday, February 1, 2009

moxie morning. . .

Paws up on the little chair. . . whining out the kitchen window. . .

He loves to watch the squirrels and birds and deer. . . wishing to go out so they could all play together. . .

the wildlife, however, do not view him so much as a playmate, much to his dismay. . .

Oh, and there's the feral cats that roam the woods. . .

So, I peered out the window, looking for his lost playmates. . .

and not seeing them . . .

"Poor Moxie. . ." and I continued on with my morning work. . .

He continued to watch a little longer. And then I hear his nails hit the kitchen floor. . . And he trotted out to me in the entry. . . with my plum in his mouth. The one that I bought at the store last night. . . along with some pears and apples and peaches. . . I sat it and a pear on the windowsill, hoping they would ripen . . .sweeten. . . and Moxie saw it as a ball for a puppy. . .

Yeah, not quite.

He unhappily relinquished it, so that it could be thoroughly washed and returned to a higher windowsill. . .

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